“I’ll love you forever,
I’ll like you for always,
As long as I’m living,
my baby you’ll be.”


Robert N. Munsch

Friday’s Fotography specializes in newborn sessions. We enjoy photographing babies in their earliest days (7-10 days old recommended). We provide a luxury experience that is a once in a lifetime unrepeatable opportunity. You can’t get this time back again.

We will capture the newness of your baby. The sweet little fingers and toes, the squish-face, and angelic facial expressions. We have a wide selection of wraps, outfits, fabric backgrounds, and props to compliment any color scheme and textures you desire. Once you fill out the inquiry form on the Let’s Talk page, we can discuss what you’d like to achieve in your session. Feel free to mention in the comments if you’d prefer a phone call to go over your specific needs and requests.


We recommend starting with a “bare baby” look or with a swaddle covering over diaper with a hat, headband, or bonnet. After that, we can try a costume change if your precious baby is willing, and finish up with a wrap to be snug and secure for a few more additional shots. If a family package is added on, we will finalize the session taking photos with siblings and the rest of the family while the baby is wrapped. We usually try about 5 different options/color schemes depending on the calmness of your newborn. The goal is a diverse gallery collection for you to choose from for your downloads and prints.

I make safety for your newborn a priority. To get started in the industry, I participated in a Newborn Mentoring 1:1 Workshop with an expert in the field. I am continuously following up on the latest online posing courses to know how to safely handle your baby adding in props and methods used to safely pose your newborn. I also make sure I’m up to date on current vaccinations that are required to handle your infant.

My studio has been fashioned to make you comfortable and cozy.  In my studio, I have the following to make your session relaxing and stress free:

An adjacent playroom for your toddlers that may be participating in a family photo after the newborn session (access allowed if you have another adult joining us for supervision in the playroom).

An adjacent restroom facility.

A recliner in the studio room for mother to nurse or bottle feed. We will allow Mom or Dad to take the time necessary to calm baby as needed.

Bottled water.

White noise sound machine.

Warm temperature with dimmed lights.

With the warm temperatures to keep your baby sleepy, make sure that you dress in layers where you are comfortable in 78-80 degrees. If you will be taking family photos and want to add clothing after the newborn shoot, you can add on more clothes during the family time part of the session, so you are not too warm during your newborn’s session. Once the baby is wrapped towards the end of the newborn session, we will cool down the room for the family session.

Working with babies is a privilege I will never take for granted.  If you choose me, I know that I’m lucky for the opportunity to get to know your precious family. As a Mom, I understand how scary it can be to trust a stranger with your new baby and I will listen to your input and will not do anything in my session that you are not comfortable with at any time. You have the right and authority to ask me to stop at any moment, or take a pause and reconsider any position you see me using to model your baby. I am comfortable with my posing selections, but will not move forward if you ask me to discontinue a look at any time. My goal is to keep your baby safe and you happy while achieving the most beautiful, safe environment during this fleeting moment of time.

The studio is kept clean and sterilized. All items touched in previous sessions will be disinfected. Clothes are washed in a free and clear natural detergent and all our blankets are run through a sanitizing wash cycle after every use.

We do not rush our newborn sessions. We allow for you to have breaks for feedings and time for soothing your infant. I book four hours of time, but usually it will take less time more in the  1 ½ to 2 hour range and adding parents and siblings will extend to approximately 2 ½ hours. We don’t want the stress of me shutting down after a specific time, so we will take your session slowly and make sure you and your baby are comfortable and not stressed. I also welcome a few family members or a friend to attend your session to assist you with entertaining your other children that might be in your family session or to help with your newborn. My home studio is your abode during your session. Feel free to kick back in the recliner and take a nap if you’d like while I’m working with your sweetie.

If you would like to get your hair and makeup done while I am posing your newborn, I welcome stylists to come into my studio to provide this service for you. I am looking for a hair and makeup person to collaborate with for the future if you have any recommendations.

Booking. We recommend that you book your appointment in your second trimester to make sure I have scheduling availability for you. I limit my newborn scheduling to 8 per month, so sessions fill up quickly. Dates are tentative, since the birth does not always coincide with your due date. We will schedule according to your due date and once baby is born, you notify us and we will move your session to 7-10 days after baby arrives. Appointments are scheduled for 10 AM on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesdays.

Sometimes the littlest things take up the most room in your heart and I hope to be a part of this time with you.

I look forward to meeting you and your little blessing.

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